The Picnic
The Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic holds a picnic for the survivors annually. Actually, it's a national celebration, but every clinic seems to celebrate on a different day. The Vince used to hold it with the other cancer clinic in town, but it got so big that they divided the picnic into two, and were better able to accommodate all the patients and their families.
Two picnics. This year, there were 700 attendees at the picnic sponsored by The Vince. So, assuming the other cancer clinic in town is doing about the same amount of business, that's 1400 people. And that's just wrong for a town Sheboygan's size. It's not all survivors - about half are actual survivors, while the rest make up caregivers, family and friends.
Once again I'm forced to wonder - where's the justice? Okay, so playing the odds, not all of these people are saints. But what about the ones that are? Or were? When do they get a say in how their body is responding to treatment?
The picnic this year was a smashing success. Last year, Jim attended, but by June was already not doing very well. Jim's sister was here - she had to drive him right to the entrance of the park and pick him up there - he wasn't well enough to walk all over on his own. And he got almost claustrophobic with all the talk of cancer and survivors. And I was watching at one point - Jim was sitting there, looking miserable and forelorn, and I saw Dr. Haid looking at him from a distance. And I could read the look on Dr. Haid's face. I knew that he knew Jim wasn't doing well. And I was very saddened by that. And I could see that Dr. Haid was as well. Somehow, that look in Dr. Haid's eye is something that stays with me. I know now, as I should have before, that there were so many hints. So many realities that Jim and I just did not want to face. So many indications that things weren't going the way we wanted. But Dr. Haid tried very gently to tell us - I just wouldn't hear it. Maybe Jim did, or maybe he didn't. But by June we knew things weren't going so hot.
This year, I volunteered to help set up for the picnic. My mom was visiting and watched the kids for me. I went to the Vince at 8:00, and stayed to help set up and worked the picnic until 2:30. (The picnic started for the patients and families at 11:00.) My mom brought the kids over and we had a great lunch. They stayed about 2 hours before Jake started to lose it. This year was very rewarding. I ran a kids game, and all the kids got prizes. And thanks to my mom - the night before the picnic we blew up around 100 balloons and stuffed them with candy. We had an art therapy project that was awesome - Bottles of Hope - tiny bottles that people decorated with clay and other things. They were really neat. That kind of took off slow, but at one point it was impossible to get into the table and see what everyone was working on. I have no idea how many people made bottles, but if I had to take a stab at it I'd say at least 200. It was pretty cool. They had multitudes of gift bags for the patients. They had a full buffet lunch and 5 sheet cakes. All the staff, their significant others/spouses and Patient Advisory Committee worked really hard. I don't know that I've ever been so proud of something I've been involved in.
Missing Jim is a part of every day life. I was very sad remembering him at the picnic the year before. But some people can put up with years and years of treatment and multiple procedures, and some people can't. Jim's body didn't respond to chemo, and I have to remind myself daily that even if it had responded, Jim would have had a hard time with all the procedures and lack of dignity associated with being a cancer patient. Jim just wasn't the type of guy to endure that kind of poking, prodding, and wearing of skimpy hospital gowns. Jim was a very, very dignified man. And that is one of the many reasons I love him.
Congratulations on surviving another day, another week, another year of cancer, people. You are going through the journey of a lifetime - you'll come out a different person. Hopefully a better person with more perspective on life than you ever hoped to imagine. For those of you wiping the sweat from your brow and thinking "Thank goodness I don't have cancer" - let's keep it that way. Get your colonoscopy. Get your mammogram. Do your body a favor and treat it right. You'll appreciate it in the long run - whether you live a dignified life as Jim did, or where it's all out in the open as it is for me. It's better to attend a Cancer Survivor's Day picnic as a friend, or better yet as an employee of the medical facility than as a survivor, caregiver, or widow.