This blog is for Jim Marventano's family and friends to review his status and updates while he goes through treatment for Stage IV Colon Cancer. We can beat it together!

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's going to be a better run

It's a chemo day. Sheboygan got around 5 inches of snow last night, and oddly enough, that seemed to calm Jim. The rest of the free world would rather be in Phoenix, but not Jim. He's perfectly content in the cold and snow.

Jim went to chemo on his own this morning. He had a good appointment with Dr. Haid, and then they got him started on his chemo. It was a quiet day at the Vince. There were only 4 seats filled, which is unusual. Rachel, Jake and I brought Jim lunch at around 11:45 and stayed until around 2:30.

Right when we walked in I could see that Jim was doing better than he did the last time. Last time when I got there he wasn't looking so good - sitting there sort of green. This time he looked totally normal. I was thankful for that. Since there were so few people, Jim got LOTS of attention from Brenda today, which is good for him. Brenda is one of those people that you really look forward to seeing...even under these circumstances. She's a riot and she really makes the chemo bearable. (Or so I imagine, as I'm not the one who has to do the chemo...)

There are around 6 chemo nurses, but so far we've really only had 2 of the chemo nurses treat Jim - Brenda and Joan. It's silly how you get to feeling kind of possessive. I start to think about it before we go - "are we going to get Brenda or Joan? I only want Brenda or Joan. I hope Brenda and Joan are there today." It's not like the other nurses aren't awesome - they are. But Brenda and Joan are...ours. Give me a few more months and I'll get jealous when they help other patients. ;)

The clock starts now. He's got the pump on. He'll be getting the pump out at around 1:00 on Wednesday. I hope it's Joan or Brenda.


Blogger Judester said...

I'm so glad this round is starting off better. I really think it made a difference being home in his own environment, eating his normal food (in type and amounts), drinking lots of water, sleeping in his own bed, and being less stressed leading up to this treatment. Christmas is a happy time, but it is very stressful on our bodies.

I'm thinking Jim's officially over the hump — more treatments behind him than he has left to go?

I'll keep the good thoughts flowing (against the easterly winter winds and towards Wisconsin) for the remainder of this week. Good luck!

Love - Jude

9:19 PM


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