Good News?!
Well we got an update from Dr. Haid and the nurses at the Vince today. We got word that the tumors have not increased, and that they are in fact, stable. Radiology is not an exact science. In fact, I would say that almost nothing with cancer is an exact science. Even the control group patients have widely varying backgrounds, causes, lifestyles, and responses to medicine. Anyway, radiology isn't exact - 10 different radiologists can look at the same chart and come up with 10 different readings. It's a good thing that Jim's in the clinical trial. A different radiologist read his scan this time. But because Jim's in the trial, they asked the original radiologist to review the scans once again. This radiologist said that there's no change in tumor size, which is obviously excellent news.
Also, Dr. Haid did something pretty neat with Jim on Thursday evening. Dr. Haid is trained in both Western and Eastern medicine. So when Jim met with him on Thursday, he helped Jim's chi circulate better by looking at his chakras (Chakra means 'wheel' in Sanskrit. It is imperceptible, and comprised of any of a number of spiritual energy centers in the human body. In China, chakra is said to be the paths or centers of energy. There are seven major chakras in the body, and these are all associated with endocrine glands.) and determining whether or not they were flowing correctly. Turns out that one of his chakras was off. Dr. Haid had Jim do some visualization and a few other exercises, and Jim's nausea stopped immediately. Obviously this is an activity that you have to be open to and willing to accept, or at least try. Jim very much enjoys the benefits of tai chi, so he's open to trying anything that Dr. Haid recommends. This was a very powerful and healing meeting for Jim. Dr. Haid brings so much more to the table than just medical training. It's hard to explain the calming effect this guy has on people. Once Jim kicks the cancer I know that we will be sad (and happy!) to stop seeing Dr. Haid. He's a very special individual.
I am hesitant to get really riled about this news. I am delighted to hear it and I personally believe that this more accurately reflects what's going on inside Jim's body, but I will also be happy to hear what they have to say in New York. I dare say I'm actually excited to see Dr. Kemeny. Warm and fuzzy she's not - but the woman's got talent. And all I need to hear from her is that Jim's beating the cancer.
New York City, here we come! I can't wait to get another fake Prada bag. Oops, I mean, I can't wait to get myself another Prada bag.
Great news! We'll be cautiously optimistic right along with you. Hope the news from New York is good.
10:29 PM
I'm glad the original radiologist read the scan. As we saw from the last round with all the confusion between NY and Sheboygan scans, it really is important that there be consistency. I'll also be very interested to hear from Dr. Kemeny. It's always good to hear from another medical professional not associated with your primary - if for nothing else other than to ease your mind and remain comfortable with your current course of action.
It is a coincidence, or fate, that I was looking for a holistic book to send you guys. Never being one to send something I haven't check out myself to be "not too far out there," I got "The Wisdom of Healing" from the library. I was very excited to read your blog post, as this book is about Ayurveda, which means "science of life" in Sanskrit. This prinicples in this book combine the elements of modern body-medicine with ancient mind-medicine. It talks about chi - yin and yang, and the dynamic balance between the two opposing forces. Even explaining the swirling crystal theory of the energy centers!
Have some fun in NYC around your appointments. And try to stay warm!
Love - Jude
8:50 AM
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