Like I said, no where to go but up
Well. A series of events has kicked off that I believe to be profoundly significant for us. Yesterday, our pastor came to visit us because he's read the blog about Jim's mental state. Fortunately for us, Pastor Kirby is a man of action and asked if he could come visit rather than waiting for us to call. Good idea, because we just didn't have the wherewithal to make the call ourselves. We had a wonderful meeting with Pastor Kirby. He renewed our faith. We needed it.
The kids and I picked Judi up at the airport this morning. 15 minutes after Judi walked in the
We got the results back tonight, and although he does not have an abscess, unfortunately there is some growth on the existing tumors in his abdomen and there is a new growth. We are not happy about this; however, I believe this series of events is a sign. It's time to move forward. To stop the current chemo regimen and start something new. To figure out the next plan.
Although we are disappointed, we are pushing on and looking for something new. Jim's cousin David is helping us out. He is working with his government and pharmacuetical contacts to determine what clinical trials are available and what's the latest and greatest. There are other drugs and other treatments available to us, it's just a matter of finding the right match for Jim.
I believe that Judi's visit is impeccable timing, as we were able to go to the hospital for the scan immediately after Dr. Haid ordered it, and left the kids with Judi. If Judi hadn't gotten the actual pain situation out of Jim, we wouldn't have called the doctor's office. Jim would have truly suffered through the weekend. If Dr. Haid was a lesser doctor, he would have taken a "let's wait and see" attitude. Clearly this scan tells us that his current chemo regimen needs to be changed. If we had waited for the next scan, we wouldn't have found anything until August, and Jim would have gone through these chemo treatments for no reason.
Getting hysterical and losing control is not practical at this juncture. This is disheartening, definitely. But as I mentioned before, we've been at rock bottom since a couple of days ago. We are taking this news in stride and we are ready to move on. Many people have suffered through multiple setbacks to beat the cancer later. I still believe that this will happen for Jim. No one else is like Jim. There are few
Thank you so much, all of you, for your calls, presents, letters, cards and prayers. Please understand that we cannot express our appreciation enough - but we are not making many phone calls at this point. Jim is not able to do much because of the pain, and my first truly free moment typically occurs at 10:00 pm. We love hearing from you. It means so much to us. Please don't be put off by our bad manners. I used to be the thank-you note queen...that's one of the first things that I've dropped off. So many of you have offered to visit us and help out at home. Although Jim doesn't have the strength for visits, we are trying to figure out a solid date in July when we can visit and meet with people in Rochester. Judi has graciously offered her home (and her pool, as an added incentive) for an open house. We'll be posting the date that we'll be in Rochester as soon as we know solid plans. We're shooting for the week of July 23rd.
Regarding my last two posts: we are still at rock bottom, but we will persevere. There are still so many rounds in this fight. And although the grass may be greener on the other side, our side of the fence is still pretty darn good. I just know in my heart he will beat it.
Jim, Kate, Rachel, and Jake -
You're in my thoughts and prayers every day. I'm sorry this journey is so rough for you. Sending big hugs to all of you, and praying that the road will soon be smooth and lead to happy times ahead.
Much love,
Laurie (Carter) Piwinski
11:06 AM
Hi Jimmy-
I have been following your blog for months and have thought of and prayed for you daily. I thought it was time to let you know. It's so interesting that my sister coincidently choice the same day to connect! I'm glad we both did.
Linda Carter Galbato
12:41 PM
Love the Sam Adams shirt. It's the best.
Sorry this is such a hard time for you.You don't deserve this.
Saw your mom and dad at Uncle Bob's game.Shirley and I think this B.O.S.S. may not be refering to us.
1:34 PM
Jim and Family,
God Grant you all the Serenity to accept the things you can not change, the Strength to change the things you can and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Your dad and I have known each other for 10 years now and has kept me in the loop. I have and will continue to pray for God's strength and for your recovery. As a person your age, with kids of my own, I can only imagine what this is like. In fact I really don't want to imagine. Jim and Janet are lucky to have a son like you. Kate and you are very lucky to have each other and your BOSS sister is a gift like no other. GET BETTER..SOON!!!! Do as much as you can to fight and let God do the rest! But your faith and trust in HIM, not partially, but 100% and HE can work miracles.
God Bless,
Jason Herbst...former McAlpin protege of Jim Marventano :) !!
11:47 AM
Jim and Kate, thanks for all the updates. We are standing strong w/ ya'll in prayer and God will be your strength. We will be praying for your trip to Madison and will be expecting to hear great news soon. Here is a great Emma quote from the driving range yesterday after hitting about 50 balls....Daddy, I want to hit the big one again!(meaning the driver of course) Good healing,
The Schmidelers
11:58 PM
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