This blog is for Jim Marventano's family and friends to review his status and updates while he goes through treatment for Stage IV Colon Cancer. We can beat it together!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mental Note

Drinking w-a-y too much wine and talking loudly doesn't cure cancer. I can say that with a very high degree of certainty. In fact, it doesn't even dull the fact that my spouse has cancer. Shoot. I'll have to think of the cure for cancer some other way. I've tried the red wine thing too many times. It just doesn't seem to be working.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it was worth a try, right? You need to cover ALL of your bases. Nothing overlooked. If you ask me, you're just being thorough;)

11:33 AM

Blogger Blog Antagonist said...

Damn. Then I suppose it doesn't do a flipping thing for too many bills and not enough moula. And I thought I was onto something. SIGH.

12:15 PM

Blogger Judester said...

Maybe it takes a while to work??? If you give up too early in the race, you'll never know. Maybe you need to pace yourself. Or perhaps you're drinking the wrong color - red wine for your heart, maybe white wine and loud talk are for cancer?!

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your heritage needs to be invloved in this sprititual healing process you have committed yourself to. I rarley see the Irish smashed on red wine. Jameson my dear, Jameson. Lords knows I've been keeping the factory afloat, just for such times of need.

Happy Birthday to "Mad Dog" Jake-(That's my name for him, and no one will change that, with or without caner).

Take care of yourself, and we'll take care fo Jim, come Marauder week.

Dr. Juice.

4:29 PM

Blogger French said...

does that mean I shouldn't ship this case of Boone's Farm Strawberry Wine? It was highly recommended by this site

5:41 PM


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