This blog is for Jim Marventano's family and friends to review his status and updates while he goes through treatment for Stage IV Colon Cancer. We can beat it together!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Technology - a love/hate relationship

Um, yeah. If you've left us a voicemail in the last THREE WEEKS, and wondered why you haven't heard from us, it's because our phone company opted to cram 3 weeks worth of voicemails into one day - today. I'm not sure why we haven't received a single voicemail, but when I dialed in today, I got 55! So we're not blowing you off...we just didn't know that you called...


Blogger Judester said...

Okay - I was pretty teary-eyed after reading the previous post. But I got to say, this one snapped me out of it and gave me quite a chuckle!

Love - Jude

6:48 PM


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