This blog is for Jim Marventano's family and friends to review his status and updates while he goes through treatment for Stage IV Colon Cancer. We can beat it together!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!

I've got two resolutions for this year. I love resolutions. I am very good about following through on my resolutions (which is why I never say that I'm going to exercise as a resolution!) and in previous years, I've had some successful year-long ventures thanks to my resolutions.

Without further ado:
1. I will take better care of myself this year.
- I will go to bed earlier.
- I will eat better.
- I will get off the couch from time to time.
- I will get an occasional massage.

2. I will honor Jim in every way I can.
- I will take the kids out and do things Jim would like them to do.
- I will start Jim's scrapbooks for the kids.
- I will start assembling the blog "book".
- I will do a private journal for me and the kids.

I took Rachel snowmobiling this year. She loved it. And it made me so sad. Jim was so excited about getting the kids into snowmobiling. He got to take Rachel out a little bit last year, but not much. I took her on a *really* bumpy trail this year and she loved it. She's very adventurous.

I want things for the kids. I want them to have the kind of experiences and adventures that Jim liked. Look for us out in the woods. We'll be out there snowmobiling, shooting, snowshoeing. We'll be in the mountains skiing and hiking. We'll be out on the lake fishing and water skiing.

I went snowshoeing with my folks and some friends this Christmas. It was so peaceful and beautiful out in the woods. There were two times that I could feel Jim there. He loved being outside, as do I. I want that for my kids, too.

You might think resolutions are silly, but ask me later this year. I'm working on them. I want my kids to have Jim however we can get him. Following through on my resolutions gives them a bit of Jim.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my friend,
Those are fantastic resolutions... I thought about you so much over the holiday and it is good to hear from you. Let's see one another soon.
Love, Sara

10:20 PM

Blogger Judester said...

I think those are great resolutions. Let us know if you need help with any of them.

Love - Jude

9:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Yaer Kate and kids!! Love Jeri

12:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean YEAR

12:53 PM


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